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Our Ministries

At Harrison United Methodist, we pride ourselves on the many types of outreach we align ourselves, as well as the various ministries we offer! As such, great work requires great hands, and we'd love for you to join our ranks! Whether you have a love for music, for education, for children, for the homeless, for the needy, for the sick, or for another of the community's problems, we want to help!

Join us; we'll find a place for you! 


“Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called and his work will be as sacred as the work of the ministry. It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular, it is why he does it.” 
― A.W. Tozer

Christian Education

With multiple programs designed for believers of all ages,  from Kindergarten all the way through adulthood, HUMC has a vibrant Christian Education program! Led by Crystal Fallesen, our program includes youth outings, retreats, dedicated lesson plans, Adult Sunday School groups, and an opportunity to figure out who they are in Christ, with guidance from an amazing staff and team.

Mission Team

Project Crossroads

Project Crossroads serves the needs of God's children through home repair, new home construction, firewood delivery, and emergency assistance. By working with Project Crossroads, you have the opportunity for faithful witness of Christ's presence through love in action.

Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts

HUMC is the charter organization for Boy Scout Troop 82 and Cub Scout Pack 82. We have a very active program with over 50 years at HUMC. Cub Scouts are grades K-5 and meet on Mondays 7-8. Boy Scouts are grades 6 & up and meet Monday nights 7-8:30.

Girl Scouts

Girl Scout Troop 40138 is happy to call Harrison UMC their home. The troop welcomes girls from kindergarten to high school from multiple schools in the Hwy 58 area, as well as magnet schools and home-school families. During the school year we meet Tuesday evenings from 6:15 – 7:30. For more information contact Becky Bumgardner at 423-504-6737 or the local Girl Scout Council at 800-474-1912.

Vacation Bible School

Join us each summer for our one-week Vacation Bible School program! This is a great way for a child to learn more about walking with Christ, as they learn life-long skills in a safe and friendly environment! With varying themes from year to year, your child is sure to experience something new and fun each summer they come, even if they've been in year past. Make plans on join us!

Open Hands Ministries

Open Hands Ministries is our year-round partnership with Harrison Elementary School. Through this ministry and its various components, we provide support for the staff and students of H.E.S. through sharing of our time, talents, and treasures!

Chancel Choir

Led by Ellie Bruzon and accompanied by Dr. CT Turner, we are an all-volunteer choir comprised of singers ranging from 12-years-old to 70-years-old! We provide worship music for each Sunday Service, as well as special services throughout the year. Singing music ranging from traditional service hymns to modern choral repertoire.  Join us!

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United Methodist Men

The General Commission on United Methodist Men's mission is to help men grow in Christ, so others may know Christ. UMM ministries include Ministry to Men, Scouting and Strength for Service to God and Country. The HU

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.

Be Inspired

Vacation Bible School

Harrison United
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5621 Highway 58

Harrison, TN 37341

@2018 by Harrison United Methodist Church

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